Partner Webhooks

If a webhook has been configured in the partner dashboard an HTTP call will be made whenever a user progresses in accepting their invitation. It is also possible to request access to merchant payment updates on request.

When the relevant underlying objects change status an HTTP POST will be made to the configured webhook URL.

Invitation Updates #

When a user invited by a partner opens their invitation and creates an account the invitation status changes to Opened:

  "eventType": "InvitationStatusChanged",
  "invitationId": "<guid>",
  "updated": "<yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ>",
  "status": "OPENED"

Once the user has completed their onboarding journey and have converted to a full merchant the status will change to Complete:

  "eventType": "InvitationStatusChanged",
  "invitationId": "<guid>",
  "merchantId": "<string>",
  "updated": "<yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ>",
  "status": "COMPLETE"

Merchant Payments #

When a merchant that was invited by your partner account places payments there will be a webhook fired for the following statuses.

When a payment is first created:

  "eventType": "PaymentStatusChanged",
  "merchantId": "<string>",
  "paymentId": "<string>",
  "created": "<yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ>",
  "amount": <decimal>,
  "status": "PENDING"

Then when a payment becomes complete or failed the status field will be "COMPLETE" or "FAILED".

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