Sandbox Environment: Testing Your Integration

The TrustistEcommerce API provides a Sandbox environment, which allows you to test your integration without processing real payments. The Sandbox environment is a nearly-live environment, where merchants can have an account that sends payments to a mock version of the payments system. Although it simulates communication with banks, it does not involve any real financial transactions.

To use the Sandbox environment, set the API host to in your code or configuration. When using the provided Postman Collection, the trustistecommerce-api-host variable is already set to the Sandbox environment by default.

During testing, make sure to select the “Mock Redirect Bank” from the list of available banks when completing a transaction. This will ensure that your tests are interacting with the mock banking system and not processing real payments. No money will be transferred when using the “Mock Redirect Bank”.

The Sandbox environment allows you to thoroughly test your integration and ensure that it’s working correctly before you move on to the production environment. Remember to switch to the production environment ( when you are ready to process live payments.

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